Personal Snippet

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I am a writer, a painter, and a lover. A pagan who doesn't get enough time with her spiritual side, and an open minded person who believes that someday we'll all be genderless beings who function for more than just the dollar. Call me what you will, you'll love me once you get to know me.

Sep 18, 2009

Living Wild; Cooking Eggs

So, yes, we argue and fight and sometimes I wonder why I am with him... But in the end, at the very last of it - I know I can't live without him.

We have been living/camping in Milford for 9 Days/Nights and I can't say I miss living in my apartment... There are a few things - Like bugs, for instance - that I wish I was without but all in all we're doing great. Have to be creative with food... and money is now down to 4$ until tomorrow when Allen gets 30$ for donating blood. I wish I could donate but they tell me my veins are too small... Pft. Going to try "Day Labor" too not sure how much we'll earn but I hear people around town earn 75$ per day on some jobs which wouldn't be too bad considering we need 300$ by the first or loose our car (Which doubles as our home during rainy days)... That alone has me feeling pressure on my chest. Anxiety? Stress? Who knows really. We're both on edge and that's why we fight. We both want to fix things and feel powerless.

So we managed to go to Best Buy and price some cameras - we're thinking of getting a camcorder instead with 3.0 megapixel quality and 1080p resolution for video. I don't want to spend too much... But the plan is to raise (With luck, prayer, what?) 300$ dollars by the 1st of October. Then, raise 210$ (Or less, not sure - must get cheaper quote) to fix the right-side rotor, caliper, and brake pads of my car... Then raise another 300$ to square my debt off with the Utility companies... Then, if I haven't sold myself to indentured servitude yet, I'll see about getting another camera. Until then... I continue to mourn the loss of my digital friend.

All in all we're doing fine - We've at least got out health right? :)

Recipe for Great Scrambled Eggs
Eggs (How ever many you need - we used 3)
Sandwich Baggy (We used a small one)
Seasoning (Ours was salt, pepper, and a lil'garlic powder)
Heat (We use an open fire, or charcoal grill.)

Crack eggs in baggy; discard shells
Season to taste
Put water in Pot, set to boil
Place baggy in Pot
When no more liquid remains in baggy (Meaning eggs are cooked) remove baggy
Scramble with fingers

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