Personal Snippet

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I am a writer, a painter, and a lover. A pagan who doesn't get enough time with her spiritual side, and an open minded person who believes that someday we'll all be genderless beings who function for more than just the dollar. Call me what you will, you'll love me once you get to know me.

Nov 4, 2009

The Low of Everyone's Life

I can't say I was never emotionally prepared for all that has happened to me... I have kept myself very jaded about life in general never giving into things like "hopes for the best" and "Good wishes"... Nothing comes of it. I also, thankfully, have never allowed myself to give into the idea that something great will last for very long. It won't. Ever.

Still. When I lie awake at night missing my apartment for the simple reason it was clean and had a shower.... I can't imagine a time I expected myself to come so damned low. So very very damned low. We haven't found a van to move into. Allen is still job hunting... and Milford is not at all a possibility right now because of the weather and gas it would take to drive from there to my job.

Which leaves me living in a place that is filthy, has no electricity, water, or gas.... and.... is..... FILTHY. I am serious. With a dog living there everything stinks and has hair. Cats crawl into the house through the dryer opening and shit in the bathroom. Oh my gods I want to take a shower!!! I contemplated going to the homeless shelter here in town only to shower. But then I think to myself... Why not stay there? Why? Well... They do not go along with "common law" marriages here in Kansas. Why? Assholes. That's the only answer I have... The government wants its 100.00 $ to give me a piece of paper that says that I am married. I have been with Allen since 2003. Engaged since 2004... I mean. Isn't that enough? Nope. Not in Kansas.

So whatever. Like I said... My mind does this thing were it tells me "you should have known" "these things are expected" and its true. But doesn't that make me a jaded shrew?

Oct 3, 2009

The Invisible Horizon

(A warning: Skip to 1st bold letter if you do not want to hear my anguish.)

I want to cry.

Crying makes me feel better, lets it out, and generally clears my head for a time. To be honest, I can't. Sure, I'll sniffle here and there - the eyes sometimes water but since I received the eviction notice for my apartment the very same day I got a new job... Well... I stopped and haven't been able to since.

Life is an irony to me. I get a job, I loose my apartment. I find the love of my life and he's a smoker. I find a place to live and its too dirty to live in (Seriously.)... I get the cash to get new brakes the problem ends up being 2x's more severe. I have the money to purchase the perfect van and the guy selling it gives it away for free to someone else. I finally get a free two burner coleman camping stove and purchase the propane tanks for Allen's birthday and the gas line breaks as I am cooking his birthday dinner. I mean... C'mon! Can't I get ONE good thing without having to swim through a bog of stench first?!

I promised I wouldn't do this in this blog. I told myself over and over again there was no point in spilling shit over the front lawn if no one is going to clean it up.

I just can't help but feel numb. I want to move on, push forward, but I know... When I get there, something will pull me back to square one or lower. Not the neatness of death but the agony of continued life close to it. I must have done something in a previous life to earn the ire of all three fates. Perhaps not. Perhaps I want someone to blame and who better than the one before me? Or some supernatural film that covers my eyes? Why not. Greeks blamed lightning on Zeus. Why can't I blame my misery on karmic powers?

Today was what brought this out.

Let me tell all of you out there something... People suck. Trust no one. This I have learned countless times, every time someone says otherwise I have a story to prove my way is better and safer.

Went to shower (Mind you I have been gone for hours or a full day in the past and nothing was ever stolen.) when the bastard living near us steals both of our chairs and Allen's fishing pole. He denies it of course, but I have no heart in me to care to do more than glare at him and shun his words. I am angry and it will pass. I am more upset that he took a possession of my beloved. If not for him I would throw his favorite pup off of the cliff we camp near and watch her deformed body struggle to swim, then die as the cold water numbs her limbs and pushes her to the bottom. This was my first thought, Allen knew, and so we left camp with what little he left behind and came into town. Sure, some of you may think me vile for wanting to punish the dog for Michael's theft - but it isn't the dog I am punishing. It would be him, he would be devasted. Good riddance I say, it pisses on our camp.

Anger, isn't something I often give into. In the case of hurting, harming, or stressing out a loved one I do not care to hold back a violent rage comparable to that of old-world Roman warriors or gladiators. Let anger inspire in me the horrors you will suffer for it. I have few people in life I cherish. Jail time is nothing to me if it means I have avenged them and brought them happiness. Oddly - that very same way of thinking is why I have never killed myself. They would be hurt, and I do not wish to cause them harm.

Now that I am done venting the best this medium allows - I shall move on to more, relevant topics. I have learned two things while at camp! Tea and Coffee made with fire tastes better than that made on a propane stove, and you can never have enough quilts!


Neat trick. Purchase an aluminum bowl. Large or medium - doesn't matter. Make sure the bottom is a perfect size for putting things on. Take a nail and hammer and poke several holes near the top and bottom. Make a fire, when the coals are red-hot put the bowl over it (Upside down of course) make sure the holes can provide proper ventilation. Occassionally feed the coals. Then, when the bowl is hot enough to sizzle water - you can start cooking!

No recipes for you guys today... Ramen and cans of spaghetti are all I have eaten these passed.... Heh... Day (Couldn't eat yesterday or the day before.). However... If you're ever in need of the perfect spice to go on anything (and I mean anything) purchase Adobo. The all-spice of spices. We spanish use it vigorously among others but this is the one most people outside of our heritage seem to like.

That's it for today folks. Have a wonderful walk!

Sep 28, 2009

Cooking, People, and Wind

Living in a campground is luxury if you have a camper's burner. This I have discovered.

My mother taught me one extremely valuable lesson; Do not trust unless trust is earned first. To be honest, I thank her for this. Otherwise, the level of "screwed" I would be would have been much much higher. Seriously. What is with it with people? I do not see you down in your luck and want to extort money from you! I do not offer to loan you a piece of equipment only to demand money you are using it! Oh, and I do not let my dog shit on your site. Yeah, I would never.

In general I am always nice and courteous to others. Why not? I mean, I would rather give you a good first impression and let you do the rest. Always give people the benefit of doubt but never trust them at a glance. I mean it. Never ever. With any luck this life of mine will provide a hilarious book, movie, and lesson to my children.

Kansas is the worst place ever if you want to pitch a tent during the fall. Oh the horrors of the wind! You'd think we were going to wake up with ripped clothing, no tent, and a car that moved inches from its position.

In short.

I love this life. Now I just need the money to make it work in a safe and healthy manner.

Sep 23, 2009

Ups and Downs

How do I deal with something that pulls me in two directions?

On one hand...
I love my new life, outdoors! The view is great, the atmosphere is great, and my relationship seems to be doing great...

On the other hand...
I need money to keep my car, I need gas money to drive to a job that isn't paying shit, and I need money to eat that I keep spending on gas to drive to work.

So you see?
I woke up today realizing this vicious cycle. What little I have that I cherish is not at all in material worth. Though... I love my car for what its being put through to make my life... Tolerable? I mean, I need at least 300$ to keep the loan people from taking it. By Oct. 1st.

When I say I have no money I mean I have two pennies in my pocket. Seriously. I get paid this coming Friday and when I say the money isn't enough I mean it - The pay is shit. 7.50/hour is alright but not when I make 5 - 10 hours a week and get paid every other week. I need to get to my job... or eat. Those are the choices I have with the money I get. *Le sigh*

What do I do? I want a motorhome so I joined the site... Looked around and I highly doubt I will find a motorhome for free. Seriously doubt it... But here's hoping they have a propane camper two burner stove!

Sep 18, 2009

Living Wild; Cooking Eggs

So, yes, we argue and fight and sometimes I wonder why I am with him... But in the end, at the very last of it - I know I can't live without him.

We have been living/camping in Milford for 9 Days/Nights and I can't say I miss living in my apartment... There are a few things - Like bugs, for instance - that I wish I was without but all in all we're doing great. Have to be creative with food... and money is now down to 4$ until tomorrow when Allen gets 30$ for donating blood. I wish I could donate but they tell me my veins are too small... Pft. Going to try "Day Labor" too not sure how much we'll earn but I hear people around town earn 75$ per day on some jobs which wouldn't be too bad considering we need 300$ by the first or loose our car (Which doubles as our home during rainy days)... That alone has me feeling pressure on my chest. Anxiety? Stress? Who knows really. We're both on edge and that's why we fight. We both want to fix things and feel powerless.

So we managed to go to Best Buy and price some cameras - we're thinking of getting a camcorder instead with 3.0 megapixel quality and 1080p resolution for video. I don't want to spend too much... But the plan is to raise (With luck, prayer, what?) 300$ dollars by the 1st of October. Then, raise 210$ (Or less, not sure - must get cheaper quote) to fix the right-side rotor, caliper, and brake pads of my car... Then raise another 300$ to square my debt off with the Utility companies... Then, if I haven't sold myself to indentured servitude yet, I'll see about getting another camera. Until then... I continue to mourn the loss of my digital friend.

All in all we're doing fine - We've at least got out health right? :)

Recipe for Great Scrambled Eggs
Eggs (How ever many you need - we used 3)
Sandwich Baggy (We used a small one)
Seasoning (Ours was salt, pepper, and a lil'garlic powder)
Heat (We use an open fire, or charcoal grill.)

Crack eggs in baggy; discard shells
Season to taste
Put water in Pot, set to boil
Place baggy in Pot
When no more liquid remains in baggy (Meaning eggs are cooked) remove baggy
Scramble with fingers

Sep 14, 2009

The First of Many Things

I am not going to rant and rave and share deep.... 'Thoughts' about myself on the first scribble. It may scare and amuse you all.

No. I plan to first declare that I am doing this because myspace sucks, oh, and I feel it is a proper thing to do given my circumstance.

I am currently living in a campground near Junction City Kansas. Car-Camping some would call it; where my car is not far from the reach of my tent. In any case, I have been doing this for four days/nights now and can not say I am missing my apartment! Since I could remember (So it goes as far back as 6 years old.) I have wanted to live in a wagon and travel the U.S. ; Instead, I went to college and screwed up by not being filthy rich before going. Didn't finish, tried to do other.... conventional things, and that fell flat as well. Left FL to KS for work. Found it. Lost it.

With the economy the way it is, I am astonished people assume you can survive without work for very long. Emotionally I was a mess, another failed attempt at life the way everyone else has it. Then, the love of my life (Seeing me in a state he never has before - and trust me we've been through the ringer together) decides to have a great idea. "Let's use the last scrap of cash to get gas, get a tent, buy food, and go out to live in just that. A tent." Why not? So we did. That very same day we dumped our non-essentials and went out to the great outdoors. Have not regretted a single moment!!

So... Here's a quick tour then eh?

Day 0 (Sep. 10 2009)
Woke to find that though I love my friend Bethany for letting us couch surf, I was more depressed than ever to find I would be living in another... filthy home. One like the apt in Lauderdale FL. I had to share for a time.

This did not sit well with me.

Had an Econoline 150 waiting for us; Got a loan for 200$ as our car for leverage... Happy as a lark that we were going to have a home.

The guy gave the van to a 'friend' (Who never paid him btw) even though we had $200 in our hands and he promised to wait until FRI... I was so depressed I couldn't cry.

After several hours of self loathing, Allen comes up with brilliant idea.

First night camping - much to learn...

Day 1 (Sep. 11 2009)
Woke in pool of sweat because we did not allow Tent to breath. Much more to learn.

Ate hot dogs and can'o'chilli. It was good.

Tried to shower but couldn't figure out how without any water, soap, or towels. Went into town to get supplies.

Worked ass off to collect wood, kindling, and much TP was lost.

Strong winds... Kansas has lots of them. Dry lightning... FL had lots of them.

Day 2 (Sep. 12 2009)
2:15am - woke to thundershowers!!! Strong winds were making it hard to put canopy over tent.

4:30am - Tent front fell over me and heard Allen curse in Klingon. Rushed pillows into car and slept inside our Geo Prism.

9:25am - Found journal nearly soaked to all heaven. Used car heater to stay warm. Went out to assess damage. Tent was fine, soaked and pooled. Things were completely soaked. Camera is now dead. I mourned its loss.

Around noon - went into town. Got supplies and shower at Bethany's house. Ate at Sirloin Stockade.

Returned to camp after wandering around town and found that we couldn't fish for shit. It was fun to learn.

Couldn't start fire because of wetness. Moved spit to another locale. Cleaned and dried tent.

Ate spaghetti in a can. Yum (No really, it is good over a fire.)

Day 3 (Sep. 13 2009)
9:30am - woke up feeling great. Well rested and looking forward to the day. Allen woke up feeling lazy and wanting to watch GI Joe.

Went into town, after nabbing a quick shower (Mmmmm warm showers!), ate some Subway, then waited for Theater to open.

GI Joe had a campy feel - Red head was smokin' hot, and Snake Eyes was a badass.

Not wanting to bother with gathering food or wood; Allen and I went to Dollar General to grab a quick meal for Monday, Marshmellows, and ate at Taco Bell.

Purchased firewood, (I know I know, I want to kick myself too.) because we're lazy.

Caught a White Bass not at all expecting to catch something. Might have to purchase proper tools for filleting. Also learned.... Life often finds a way to treat you like utter shit. Spent too much money. Must conserve until we can donate blood, do day labor, and go to work...

Fought with fire more so than usual. No rain or wind. Moved tent closer to camp. Cooked fish and marshmellows over fire. Talked about how awesome we are as a team - and how true it is. Walked to shower stations to wash off fish smell, talked about love, sex, and how much of a freak I am. Slept like babies under the starlight.

Day 4 (Sep 14 2009)
Kicked myself this morning! Not sure what time it was when I woke. Phone (which serves as an alarm clock not a way to communicate.) died in middle of night and we slept until I had to pee. Damn it all.

Allen was able to make it to his interview without a fuss. Lola was nice he says and after a background check they'll schedule a real (Finish the paperwork deals.) interview and let him work (With prayer he might nab the job). Had an up and down day - decided to create blog incase journal gets soaked again.

Miss mom and dad... Might try calling them today.

So, there you have it folks. Let's hope this keeps up - Not being poor, but living as I dreamed. With some elbow grease and hardwork we might be able to fix our car! Oh, and winter? Yeah... Not sure what to do.

Any advice?